Erkenntnisse, Ergebnisse und Veröffentlichungen

Fachbeiträge / Articles


  1. Kara Keimer, Felix Kind, Inga Prüter, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, David Schürenkamp, Markus Prinz, Stephan Niewerth, Jochen Aberle, Nils Goseberg (2024): From seasonal field study to surrogate modeling: Investigating the biomechanical dynamics of Elymus sp. in salt marshes in Limnography and Oceanography Methods
  2. Kara Keimer, Felix, Inga Prüter, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, David Schürenkamp, Markus Prinz, Stephan Niewerth, Jochen Aberle, Nils Goseberg (2024): From seasonal field study to surrogate modeling: Investigating the biomechanical dynamics of Elymus sp. in salt marshes in LeoPard
  3. Anna-Lena Geßner, Jochen Wollschläger, Helge-A. Giebel, Thomas H. Badewin (2024): Impact of a submerged stream groyne on morphology and sedimentology on a tidal inlet, Harle (Southern North Sea, Germany) in Frontiers in Earth Science
  4. 2023

  5. Daniela Kempa, Leena Karrasch, Torsten Schlurmann, Martin Prominski, Oliver Lojek, Evke Schulte-Güstenberg, Jan Visscher, Oliver Zielinski, Nils Goseberg (2023): Design and Insights Gained in a Real-World Laboratory for the Implementation of New Coastal Protection Strategies in Sustainability
  6. Kara Keimer, Viktoria Kosmalla, Inga Prüter, Oliver Lojek, Markus Prinz, David Schürenkamp, Holger Freund, Nils Goseberg (2023): Proposing a novel classification of growth periods based on biomechanical properties and seasonal changes of Spartina anglica in Frontiers in Marine Science
  7. Charlotte S. Steinigeweg, Maike Paul, Michael Kleyer, Boris Schröder (2023): Conquering New Frontiers: The Effect of Vegetation Establishment and Environmental Interactions on the Expansion of Tidal Marsh Systems in Estuaries and Coasts
  8. Charlotte Steinigeweg, Swantje Löbel, Boris Schröder, Ken Schoutens, Svenja Reents, Ben R. Evans, Stijn Temmermans, Tjeerd J. Bouma, Iris Möller, Maike Paul (2023): Plant trait-mediated drag forces on seedlings of four tidal marsh pioneer species in Frontiers in Marine Science
  9. 2022

  10. Oliver Zielinski, Daniela Pieck, Jan Schulz, Claudia Thölen, Jochen Wollschläger, Michelle Albinus, Thomas H. Badewien, Axel Braun, Bert Engelen, Christoph Feenders, Swaantje Fock, Carola Lehners, Kertu L{~{o}}hmus, Andrea Lübben, Gudrun Massmann, Jens Meyerjürgens, Helmo Nicolai, Thomas Pollmann, Kai Schwalfenberg, Jana Stone, Hannelore Waska (2022): The Spiekeroog Coastal Observatory: A Scientific Infrastructure at the Land-Sea Transition Zone (Southern North Sea) in Frontiers in Marine Science
  11. Maike Paul, Christina Bischoff, Ketil Koop-Jakobsen (2022): Biomechanical traits of salt marsh vegetation are insensitive to future climate scenarios in Scientific Reports
  12. Viktoria Kosmalla, Kara Keimer, David Schürenkamp, Oliver Lojek, Nils Goseberg (2022): Erosion resistance of vegetation-covered soils: Impact of different grazing conditions in salt marshes and analysis of soil-vegetation interactions by the novel {DiCoastar} method in Ecological Engineering
  13. 2021

  14. Kara Keimer, David Schürenkamp, Fenia Miescke, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, Nils Goseberg (2021): Ecohydraulics of Surrogate Salt Marshes for Coastal Protection: Wave-Vegetation Interaction and Related Hydrodynamics on Vegetated Foreshores at Sea Dikes in J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng.
  15. Leena Karrasch, Britta Restemeyer, Thomas Klenke (2021): The Flood Resilience Rose: A management tool to promote transformation towards flood resilience in Journal of Flood Risk Management
  16. Maike Paul, Nils Kerpen (2021): Erosion protection by winter state of salt marsh vegetation in Journal of Ecohydraulics
  17. Jintian Liu, Steven Kutschke, Kara Keimer, Viktoria Kosmalla, Nils Goseberg, Markus Böl (2021): Experimental characterisation and three-dimensional modelling of Elymus for the assessment of ecosystem services in Ecological Engineering
  18. 2020

  19. Nils Goseberg, Maike Paul, David Schürenkamp, Torsten Schlurmann (2020): Research perspectives on ecologically-wise means of coastal protection – Current deficits and future demands in HYDRO-LINK

Konferenzbeiträge / Conferences


  1. Oliver Lojek, Viktoria Kosmalla, Björn Mehrtens, Johannes Schattmann, Lukas Ahrenbeck, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2024): Exploring the influence of artificial root systems modeled after marram grass (Ammophilia arenaria) of dune erosion; at Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering (Coastlab24)
  2. Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, Lukas Ahrenbeck, Björn Mehrtens, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2024): TOWARDS ACCURATE MODELING OF ABOVEGROUND VEGETATION IN WHITE DUNES: BIOMECHANICSOF MARRAM GRASS (AMMOPHILA ARENARIA); at Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering (Coastlab24)
  3. Björn Mehrtens, Oliver Lojek, Thea Bölker, Lukas Ahrenbeck, Viktoria Kosmalla, Constantin Schweiger, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2024): Experimental Investigation Of Coastal Foredune Erosion; at Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering (Coastlab24)
  4. 2022

  5. Kara Keimer, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, Nils Goseberg (2022): Biomechanical Replication of Salt Marsh Vegetation using Resin 3D Printing; at
  6. 2021

  7. Kremena Burkhard, Leena Karrasch, Daniela Kempa, Evke Schulte Guestenberg, Maike Paul (2021): Customising ES typologies for the needs of coastal protection and management at the German North Sea coast; at Third ESP Europe - Conference Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and Practice in the face of Global Changes
  8. Maike Paul, Kremena Burkhard, Leena Karrasch, Daniela Kempa, Evke Schulten-Güstenberg, Oliver Lojek, Claudia Thölen, Kara Keimer, Nils Goseberg, Jochen Wollschläger, Viktoria Kosmalla, Torsten Schlurmann (2021): Coastal protection and ecosystem services for nature-based management at the German North Sea coast; at Third ESP Europe - Conference Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and Practice in the face of Global Changes
  9. Kara Keimer, Charlotte Steinigeweg, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, Boris Schröder, Nils Goseberg (2021): Ecosystem services in coastal wetlands: Investigating bio- and hydro-mechanical traits of salt marsh vegetation; at virtual European Geophyscial Union (vEGU)
  10. Daniela Kempa (2021): Herausforderung Reallabor: Methoden | Übertragbarkeit | Impact; at Netzwerk Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit
  11. Viktoria Kosmalla, Jan-Michael Schönebeck, Björn Mehrtens, Maike Paul, Kara Keimer, Oliver Lojek, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2021): Soil-vegetation interactions in coastal landscapes - erosion reduction as ecosystem service in the context of integrated coastal zone management; at virtual European Geophyscial Union (vEGU)
  12. Jan-Michael Schönebeck, Maike Paul, Oliver Lojek, Boris Schröder, Jan Visscher, Torsten Schlurmann (2021): Measuring soil erosion resistance on coastal dikes linking hyperspectral {UAV}-data, plant traits and soil information; at virtual European Geophyscial Union (vEGU)
  13. Björn Mehrtens, Viktoria Kosmalla, Oliver Lojek, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2021): Coastal dunes - A nature based coastal protection element exposed to exacerbated anthropogenic stress; at virtual European Geophyscial Union (vEGU)
  14. Oliver Lojek, Maike Paul (2021): Retaining sediment as foundation for ecosystem services of coastal vegetation; at Wadden Sea Sediment solutions
  15. 2020

  16. Oliver Lojek, Viktoria Kosmalla, Kara Keimer, David Schürenkamp, Nils Goseberg (2020): Biomechanical ecosystem services in coastal protection along temperate climate coastlines of the North Sea; at International Conference on Marine Science

Bücher, Buchkapitel & Sonstiges / Books, chapters & miscellaneous

  1. Holger Schuettrumpf, Wrage Mönnig Nicole, Marius Ulm, Felix Soltau, Torsten Schlurmann, David Schürenkamp, Maike Paul, S. Molzenberger, Jochen Michalzik, Kara Keimer, Viktoria Kosmalla, Natsa Manojlovik, Philipp Jordan, Jürgen Jensen, Hennert Hollert, Annelie Graunke, Nils Goseberg, Björn Deutschmann, Peter Fröhle, Bigswa Cajus (2020):Ökosystemare Aspekte an Seedeichsystemen; in Ökologische Aufwertung von Seedeichsystemen,
  2. Felix Soltau, Kara Keimer, Viktoria Kosmalla, David Schürenkamp, Marius Ulm, Arne Arns, Nils Goseberg, Jürgen Jensen (2020):Die Küstenschutzfunktion von Deichvorlandökosystemen; in Ökologische Aufwertung von Seedeichsystemen,

Pressebeiträge & Medienauftritte / Press & Media