Work Package 5 - Socio-ecological systems
The work package focuses on the social-ecological dimensions of ecosystem strengthening coastal protection. Knowledge and preferences of relevant actors is collected, and conflicts and synergies of interests regarding the future development of the coast of Lower Saxony are identified and analysed. This is done through participatory processes that include surveys, focus groups and workshops with the involved actors in the area.
In the further course of the project alternative spatial concepts for the future design of the coasts will be developed and their socio-ecological effects will be evaluated, both in cooperation with the actors. In addition, the work package team will develop and test communication strategies to effectively transfer the transformation knowledge gained from the project network to the expert, public and civil society. The transformation knowledge “Gute Küste” comprises knowledge about necessary measures and methods to further develop the current coastal protection towards an approach more strongly oriented towards multifunctional ecosystems.
In parallel to the entire participatory real-world laboratory process, an accompanying evaluation will be conducted to analyse the suitability and effectiveness of the structures established to achieve the project goals. The results are used to adapt structures in the project if necessary and to derive recommendations for future real-world laboratories in coastal protection.
Main aspects
- Collection of knowledge and preferences of relevant actors
- Real-world experiments: Communication of spatial change processes and transformation knowledge
- Development of alternative spatial visions for the future (future designs and concepts for coastal protection)
- Evaluation of the real-world laboratory process
Ecological Economics
Dr. Leena Karrasch
Ecological Economics
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
26129 Oldenburg